Type FS25 Fork spreader
Functions & Applications:
The FS25 fork spreader is designed tosafely lift extra wide or flexibe loads withoutthe risk of damage to products such as plas.terboard, roof sheeting and timber. The forkspreader evenly distributes the load over itsfull length. This slip-on attachment is easilyfitted onto the forklift and is secured by asafety chain,galvanized or painted finish.
Surface Treatment: Painted / Galvanized.
Technical Specification Chart:
Safe working load:2500kg
Load centre:600mm
Unit weight:225kg
Fork pocket size:160x60mm
Fork pocket centre:775mm
Type FS30 Fork spreader
Functions & Applications:
The FS30 is manufactured with a load quard.giving additional protetion and capacity. This unitis more suited to where loads of loose productare being handled. Galvanized or painted finish.
Surface Treatment: Painted / Galvanized.
Technical Specification Chart:
Safe working load:3000kg
Load centre:600mm
Unit weight:260kg
Load guard heighi:660mm
Fork pocket size:160x60mm
Fork pocket centre:775mm
Type FS336 Fork spreader
Functions & Applications:
The FS336 Carriage Mounted Fork Spreaderis designed to safely lift extra wide orflexible loads without the risk of damage toproducts such as plasterboard, roofsheeting, timber or plastic tubing. Paintedfinish.
Surface Treatment: Painted / Galvanized.
Technical Specification Chart:
Safe working load:3000kg
Load centre:600mm
Unit weight:430kg
Fork size:125x35x1070mm